Meet Me At The Market: Martin Jjunju

Artsy On-Line Exhibition - August 15 - September 15, 2023

KATES-FERRI PROJECTS is proud to present MEET ME AT THE MARKET, an on-line exhibition on view August 15 - September 15, 2023 featuring new paintings by Martin Jjunju.

MEET ME AT THE MARKET is a series of large-scale figurative paintings in acrylic on un-stretched canvas depicting daily scenes at the markets in Uganda, the home country of the artist Martin Jjunju.  Through the use of vivid colors, textures, collage and traditional African patterns, the artist brings to life the richness of his culture and abundance and bounty of fruits and vegetables. His subjects are everyday people captured at the local markets where daily shopping activities become the center of social life. 

About the Artist:  Martin Jjunju is a contemporary visual artist based in Uganda, where he studied industrial art and education at Kyambogo University, becoming an art teacher. He found his artistic voice through vividly whimsical figurative paintings depicting everyday life scenes and interactions. His subjects are painted using bright colors, patterns and textures giving them a sense of dignity while also celebrating the rich culture of his country.

Artist Statement: I work with intense color and texture to bring the vivid figures of my memories to life on the canvas.

Press Release Price List Art Works On View


Portals: Francisco Donoso


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