C.J. Chueca was born in Lima, Perú and moved to New York in 2003. In 2021, C.J. Chueca had the solo show ¨Micaela, La Sangre de Todas¨ in Vigil Gonzales Galería and participated in "A Very Anxious Feeling: Voices of Unrest in the American Experience; 20 Years of the Beth Rudin DeWoody Collection" curated by Amethyst Rey Beaver and Eva Thornton at the Taubman Museum of Art; “XX (6 female Latinx artists working in abstraction)” at LatchKey Gallery in New York; ¨Landmark¨ at KM0.2 in San Juan de Puerto Rico; and Art Souterrain in Montreal with a public commissioned installation curated by Dulce Pinzón at Palais des Congres. She was the July art resident at Silo6776 with Kates-Ferri Projects in New Hope, Pennsylvania were she presented the solo show ¨Time Traveler¨. She was part of "Hay algo incomestible en la garganta. Poéticas antipatriarcales y nueva escena en los años noventa" curated by Miguel López at ICPNA-Lima. She presented in 2020: “The Force of Water” with Latchkey Gallery at the Core Club NYC. In 2019 she had the solo show “Somos La Noche y El Día” at Vigil Gonzales Galería; and was part of “Crónicas Migrantes, Historias communes entre Perú y Venezuela” curated by Fabiola Arroyo at MAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Lima. In 2018 she had the solo shows: "I am the river behind the wall" at Mulherin Gallery in Toronto; and "Dos Cielos Azules/Two Blue Skies" at ICPNA (Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano) for which she recently released a monograph in collaboration with Meier Ramirez and VM& Studio. This year and in 2023, C.J. Chueca will work in a public commission in the Bronx managed by Percent for Art, from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.

Art + Artist Profile

Follow Artist on Instagram @c.j.chueca


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